
Minds Matter Is Proud Of Our Students’ Success:

  • Minds Matter serves over 700 students nationwide
  • 81% of students are eligible for free or reduced lunch
  • 45% of students are below the poverty line
  • The average family income for our students is $23,644
  • Minds Matter students have an average incoming GPA of 3.8
  • Since 1991, 100% of Minds Matter Graduates have been accepted into a 4-year college or university
  • 90% graduate college within four years (compared to 59% of other high-achieving, low-income students)
  • 70% attended schools in Barron’s Top 3 Categories
  • 53% of students will be the first in their family to attend college
  • Our students obtain on average a 300 point increase in SAT score for a 1625 average(compared to the national average of 1390 for low-income students)
  • 94% of Alumni attribute Minds Matter to their college access and academic success

Read our 2014 Annual Report here.